Next Level Extreme Fitness

How I am learning to "Do Better. Be Better." after the cavernoma malformation in the pons of my brainstem bled.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

NLXF Potluck

After the Christmas party Patrick took me home and headed directly to the NLXF potluck.  The potlucks are thrown in appreciation and celebration for completing the 10-week session.  They are so much fun!  I wanted so badly to go but it just wasn't safe for me in my condition.  My balance and vision still hindered my movement.  The potluck's are held at a local bar, they are always well attended, and there are free drinks!  So, as you can imagine, I would have been a little out of my current comfort zone!  I could barely walk in my dimly lit house by myself let alone a dark bar with tons of people!

While I was at Covenant the NLXF owner, Ryan Downs, contacted us and informed us that he would like to change the name of their Overall Transformation award to the "Do Better.  Be Better."  award.  The award is given to the person who has had the best physical transformation over 10-weeks.  It can be won by a newcomer or a returner.  It is based on weight loss, increases in muscle mass, nutritional improvement, and attitude and work ethic.  It is a coveted award in the program.   I read the message and, you guessed it, balled my eyes out!  Even Patrick cried.  I had so many people doing all these extravagant gestures for me and this just put me over the edge.  I LOVE this program and it was such a HUGE honor to have this award renamed to my personal motto.  I was literally speechless. 

On top of it all, many of the people caring for our kids, bringing us food, and sending me encouraging messages, were a part of our NLXF family.  Some of them we had never even met.  I am just at a loss for words to even begin to explain how grateful we were. 

Patrick and I decided that he would speak at the potluck on our behalf.  I would have loved to have been there with him to support him, but also to extend my own appreciation to everyone there.  My friend videoed the entire speech for me.  My phone started blowing up with messages from people who were there telling me how great he had done.  Shortly after my friend tagged me in the video and I was able to see for myself.

Facebook post from Dani Olson on December 14, 2013
SO proud of my friend Jamie Smith for inspiring so many people to DO BETTER & BE BETTER #GSD #dobetterbebetter #nlxf #family

I watched this entire video in awe.  It had been a very difficult and challenging month and a half.  I had a stroke and was battling back through rehab.  Linden had gotten a massive cold and then burned her hands pretty severely on our fireplace the week before this resulting in an overnight stay and numerous checkups in the U of I burn unit.  This tribute (not to sound conceited) was needed.  Of course I cried.  I cried tears of relief.  Tears of triumph.  Tears of gratitude.  Tears of hapiness and hope.

I felt like I was watching this video about someone else.  I often feel like there are two of me.  Jamie 1.0 is the old Jamie that is still on the inside.  Jamie 2.0 is the new Jamie that is on the outside.  Often times, Jamie 1.0 floats above in disbelief that she actually lives in Jamie 2.0.  She knows it is her but she just can't believe it.  My mind is the same but my body is so different.  It doesn't seem real that all of this has happened.  It is like an out of body experience. 

Facebook post to the Next Level Extreme Fitness Facebook page on December 16, 2013
I have been trying to figure out for two days how I could even begin to say thank you enough and have you all comprehend how much I actually mean it. The support that my family and I have received the past seven weeks has been nothing short of amazing, but Saturday night at the potluck was just overwhelming. My husband, Patrick did a fantastic job relaying my thoughts and how much we appreciate all of you and Next Level Extreme Fitness. Thank you for supporting him as he spoke; as you can imagine, it was the farthest thing from easy to do. Mr. Downs, thank you for all your kind words. It never could recite the phone book and I would find it inspirational! . I got done watching the video and I just thought, "I got this. Let's go kill this stroke recovery."
As Patrick mentioned, my health saved me. I made a choice this last year to just be healthier. I did not have a lot of weight to lose, but that didn't mean that I was healthy. I changed my diet, became more disciplined, and just decided to be as active as I could. I never had people actually say anything to me, but you could tell when I turned down a beer, or didn't get cheese or sauce on anything I ate, or could barely move nearly every Wednesday that they thought I was losing it. But I didn't care. I had goals and I wanted to reach them. At 32 and three kids later, I looked and felt better than I had in my whole life. I was damn proud of myself.

And then I had a stroke and life was turned completely upside down. Now I am not only proud of what I accomplished the last year, but I am grateful for it. I guess what I am trying to say is this:

If you are already in this program, congratulations. You have decided to give yourself the chance to really live and enjoy life. Commit fully, discipline yourself, ignore the excuses you may make, and and give it 100%. If you are thinking about joining this program, stop thinking and just do it. You will see amazing results and change yourself for the better in more ways than one. This program is an investment both in time and money. But shouldn't your health and quality of life be something that you don't hesitate to invest in?

Do Better. Be Better.

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