Next Level Extreme Fitness

How I am learning to "Do Better. Be Better." after the cavernoma malformation in the pons of my brainstem bled.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Kiddos Finally Get to Visit

The first weekend at Covenant I finally got to see my girls.  I was scared about how they would react to seeing me sick but was so, so excited at the same time.  I was so homesick and felt like a completely different person since my stroke.  I needed to see them so I could remember the old me. 

They weren't phased one bit!   They were so excited and I just filled with joy instantly.  I couldn't stop smiling and hugging them.  They were the best therapy I had yet.  They loved my room and the fact that they could walk down the hall to get all the ice cream and juice whenever they wanted.  Ah, the simple things in life. 

I was a different person, but not in a bad way.  I didn't need the old me.  I watched their every move with much more purpose and love.  I just couldn't get enough.  I was a different person.  I was a better Mom.  I was a better Jamie. 

I did tire easily though.  Obviously, I was tired from morning therapy and having a stroke.  Plus, I struggled to sleep at night because I either wasn't comfortable or I couldn't turn my head off.  But their energy, constant movement, and noise just drained me.  My body just couldn't keep up and I never even left the bed!

They were so intuitive though.  They liked to help me.  They wanted to get things for me, help me open things, and hold my hand as I walked to the bathroom.  They became my little caregivers.  They became my little warriors.  

I am one blessed Mama.

Facebook post from Patrick November 2, 2013
One of those moments in life you won't ever forget! Seeri and Jaelyn came for their first visit and it was amazing. The smiles, the hugs, the pure joy on their faces to see their was incredible for both of us to see.

Jamie had a great day at rehab and even got a chance to cheer on our Hawkeyes for a while, obviously we didn't cheer loud enough.

I figure I will let the three smiles do the talking on this update. Please continue to pray, it is amazing for me to see His work before my eyes daily. God Bless.

Facebook post from Patrick on November 3, 2013
Overall a quality Sunday for the Smith family. Jamie got some much needed and quality rest and we got to spend some time with our kids here at the hospital. Highlighted by Doritos with mommy in her bed!!

Tomorrow will be a therapy intensive day, but we both have a positive and encouraging outlook on our Monday!! Looking forward to cheering on my wife as she tackles her pt and ot this week.

Please continue to keep our family in your prayers. We greatly appreciate them.

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