Next Level Extreme Fitness

How I am learning to "Do Better. Be Better." after the cavernoma malformation in the pons of my brainstem bled.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Tribute To NLXF

Saturday, October 26 I woke up to more doctors coming in to assess me.  I probably slept a total of two hours.  My mind just wouldn't turn off.  Every time a doctor came in they would comment on my physical condition and my excellent vital signs.  Their appreciation for this made me value my hard work the previous year.

In July 2012, Patrick surprised me with a 10-week registration to Next Level Extreme Fitness for my 31st birthday.  Linden was three months old and I was ready to get back to exercising.  But, if you have kids, you know how hard it is to find time to exercise.  I needed something with childcare.    Patrick did a lot of research, talked to a lot of our friends who had done the program, and eventually decided it was the best fit for me.  Better yet, it had free childcare!

We had just finished eating at Texas Roadhouse when he asked me if he could show me my birthday present.  Intrigued, I said yes.  He drove a block and parked in front of the Key West Gym and said, "We're here!"  I was lost.  All I saw was a parking lot!  Then he handed me my registration form and told me about the program.  He was also quick to add, "This is only for 10-weeks, don't get addicted."  I had never heard about NLXF but I was beyond excited.  He told me that they were about to finish a session and that class was being held as we spoke.  He told me to go in and watch but I was too chicken.  I really have no idea why.

The session started on July 2, 2012.  I was so nervous that first day.  Linden was now five months old and I hadn't exercised in a year.  I was so out of shape!  Plus, by now I had asked around about the program and knew that it was incredibly intense.  It was incredibly hard but I was hooked the first five minutes.  No joke.  I loved the intensity, I loved the passion of the trainers, I loved the actual design of the workouts...I just freaking LOVED it!

I completely bought in to the program.  I didn't miss a workout the entire 10 weeks and I changed my diet.  I was incredibly disciplined and it paid off.  I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, but I lost inches and increased lean muscle mass.  My body continued to change throughout the year.  I noticed all kinds of changes.  My endurance improved immensely.  I could go on a 5 mile run at an 8 minute mile pace and barely be breathing hard when I finished.  I could do push-ups on my toes and bicep curl and shoulder press 25 lb. dumb bells.  I would put on a heart rate monitor at school with my students and my resting heart rate would read anywhere from 48-52 bpm.  I looked and felt the best I ever had.

Facebook post by Next Level Extreme Fitness on the Next Level Extreme Fitness Facebook page on October 26, 2013
I hope you are all having a wonderful many of you are now aware we have a NLXF family that are going through some difficult times. During times like these we all can pull together for others and provide a great deal of support through simple things. This is a page that has been set up to allow us a way to help the Smiths by planning meals...just sign up for a slot that is open and fill out the required info and then you can deliver or a different arrangement for delivery can be established...thank you all who have been curious as to how you can help, outside of some prayer this is a tangible way for the family to feel our love and support while providing a huge need!!

Thanks again!!!

I also met some of the most amazing people.  My NLXF family.  This family is what sets this program apart from others.  The people I have met through this program are now some of my dearest friends.  I also consider the trainers my friends which is why I was compelled to write them a message on Saturday morning when I woke up.

I was told that my physical condition saved my life.  Yes, I did the hard work.  I went to workouts and ate right, but the trainers created this program, pushed me, and held me accountable.  Their program helped save my life.  So, I wrote them a message and ended it with my new motto.  The message below is part of the message I sent to them that morning.

 Personal message to the NLXF trainers on Saturday, October 26, 2013
I have seen millions of doctors at this point and they all say four things 1) you have great strength 2) you have a great attitude 3) your vital signs are excellent 4) and are you a runner?  To which I always respond, "Thanks.....I do a little bit more than run". 
 If my blood pressure and pulse would have been higher, the force and the amount at which my brain bled would have been much greater and my prognosis much worse.  I have always been in good shape, in good health, and had a strong mindset, but when I joined your program I moved into great health and a mental BEAST.   As I lay here in my hospital bed there are many times when they ask me to do something and I think to myself,  "Shit, that is nothing. If I could do 100 push ups on my toes after destroying my arms in a circuit then I can totally open and close my hands for you." (Thanks for the inspiration on that one Allison).  I am not going to lie, I burst with pride every time the doctor's ask me to push and pull on their hands and they falter on their feet a little bit.  
I have set many little goals just like I did at NLXF and I WILL reach them.  I pray for all of you and the strength you have given me every day.  I know I would have survived this even without NLXF, but it sure has been a hell of a lot easier having been there. 
The people make this program.  My family is always amazed as we explain to them who is doing what to help as to how many of those people are part of our NLXF family.  I will never be able to express in words how grateful we are for all of you and all of them. 
It is my hope to eventually join your program again.   Until then, I will just leave you with my new motto;
Do Better.  Be Better.

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