Next Level Extreme Fitness

How I am learning to "Do Better. Be Better." after the cavernoma malformation in the pons of my brainstem bled.

Monday, April 18, 2016

March 7

Facebook post from Patick

"Seek Me first and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece."
Jamie received a daily devotional as a gift prior to leaving for Arizona. I have read the devotional to her each morning, today the above hit home to us.
We have a long road of recovery ahead, but we trust in Him and know that piece by piece and step by step He will help us to fit everything back into place.
Speaking of steps, yesterday was more steps than I could have ever imagined. PT challenged Jamie to get up and get moving...well for those of you that know Jamie, she rose to the challenge. We took 4 walks yesterday, albeit only about 50 feet in length they were still walks. They were one foot in front of the other walks that required naps immediately following, but they were WALKS!! I was so proud of her, coming so far in only such a short period of time.
The highlight of the day was her shower. It made her feel like a million bucks and truly washed away the old and brought out the new and improved version of Jamie 3.0.
Her appetite is minimal due to the fear of nausea setting in after eating. The only constant and positive food she looks forward to is a strawberry smoothie from Starbucks. Ruthie and I are on a best friendship basis at this point. "Mr Patrick will take one strawberry smoothie with whip for his wife please", without me even saying a word. This morning the smoothie was waiting for me at the counter prior to ordering, with a piece of pumpkin bread that I didn't even order. Ruthie gave me a wink and said, "Enjoy your day Mr Patrick". The kindness of a stranger, as we are in a foreign land, was overwhelming.
I will let you enjoy the photos from yesterday, they do a heck of a better job showing you how Jamie is doing than my words do.
As we continue our pt and ot therapy, I ask for your prayers of strength and courage for Jamie. She's fighting!!
Do Better. Be Better.

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