Next Level Extreme Fitness

How I am learning to "Do Better. Be Better." after the cavernoma malformation in the pons of my brainstem bled.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Scott and Steph

People frequently ask me how I write the way I do; have you always been a writer?  How do you think of what to write?  My answer has always been, "No and I have no idea.  It just comes out!"

Until yesterday.

My new answer to the questions above:  The beauty in my life, especially the people in it, INSPIRE me to write.

Our friends, Scott and Stephanie, are two people that inspire me.  This weekend I was lucky enough to attend their wedding celebration.  It is obvious that they completely adore each other, but it is equally apparent that they cherish those around them.  I felt this way the entire weekend.  Scott and Steph included my "Do Better.  Be Better." motto in their ceremony program and speeches.  How can I even express in words how that made me feel?  Unbeknownst to them, they have given me the greatest gifts; encouragement, love, and validation.  I have never been to a wedding where the bride and groom make it a point to urge their guests to count their blessings, live with gracious hearts, find the positivity in every situation, and appreciate the kindness in everyone.  Many of you haven't met them, but I think you would agree that simple act speaks volumes about their character and morals.  How blessed are Patrick and I to have friends like that?

Steph: I promise to always remember to count my blessings, realize the beauty in my life, live positively, and extend kindness to others.  I will strive to do better and be better every single day.

Scott: You thanked everyone for the impact they had on both of you and expressed that you hoped to have that same impact on all of us someday.  I am sure that I will be the first of many to tell you that you have impacted us already.  You are an amazing friend and you will be an even better husband and father.

Thank you for including Patrick and I in your special day.  We were honored.  I cannot wait to watch your relationship grow even stronger.  I wish you many years of love, happiness, and blessings.  God bless you both!

Me, Patrick, Steph, and Scott

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