Next Level Extreme Fitness

How I am learning to "Do Better. Be Better." after the cavernoma malformation in the pons of my brainstem bled.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Photo credit: Nancy Lukes-Jirak, Nancy Lukes Photography

After my first stroke, I wrote briefly about how Patrick and I met.  I knew he was "it" for me from the minute I met him.  I told him last night that I truly believe that God sent him straight from heaven for me.  He, of course, was very quick to dismiss that sentiment.   But, I believe with all that I have that it couldn't be more true.

Patrick is, well, there isn't even a word that I can use that adequately describes what kind of an amazing person he is.  If you know him, I think you would agree that he is just special, truly a bright light all of his own.  He is my super hero.

With both of my strokes, Patrick has been my voice.  He talks to every nurse, MRI tech, neurologist, and neurosurgeon.  He asks every hard question and keeps them all on the straight and narrow.  He advocates for my care.  He calls hospitals and doctors all over the country to find answers.  He sits by my bedside and comforts me as I fight.  

On top of all of that, he is super dad.  He cooks supper, cleans, helps with homework, does laundry, gives four baths, and does the entire night time routine (not a small task in our house).  He gives every single one of our daughters special attention and never forgets the hugs, kisses, and I love you's.  

Plus, he goes to work and treats every one of his customers with utmost respect and care.  He goes to bat for everyone and he never takes any credit for any of it or feels like he did a good enough job.  He is truly selfless in every sense of the word.

So, I have a favor of all of you.  Please show Patrick some love the next time you see him: shake his hand, give him a pat on the back or a hug, send him some messages, because this guy deserves it.  Build him up, please.

To Seeri, Jaelyn, Linden, and Myah:
When you get older you will all eventually read my blog.  There are many, many things that I hope you all learn from it.  But, if I could choose one thing that I really want you to know it's this:

My greatest wish for all of you is that you find a partner in life that loves like your Daddy.

Someone who spoils you with respect, affection, and adoration.  Someone who is your greatest encourager and motivator.  Someone who is selfless, kind, and giving.  Someone who is strong, but wears their heart on their sleeve.  Someone who is willing to hold you tight as you weep on their chest.  Someone who cherishes you with everything that they possess.

As you grow older, please respect yourselves enough to understand that you DESERVE this type of love.  Promise me, please.


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