After having the pleasure of awarding another Do Better. Be Better. award, I was able to speak on behalf of the Adopt-A-Family program. Below is my speech that was not caught on video. And the gift I gave Downs was a Chicago Cubs bro tank.
I am not going to spend time talking about my stroke or my condition as I am sure many of you have already heard about it. Plus, there are more important things to talk about.
Exactly one year ago, I spoke at my first potluck since having my stroke. 10 days after that, I delivered Myah, our beautiful baby girl. 10 days from now, Myah will celebrate her first birthday and I will be undergoing eye muscle surgery to correct the double vision that still remains from my stroke.
The last 17 1/2 months have been challenging. Through it all, I have had many "why me" type of moments. It is a very unusual and difficult place to be in--to try and figure out what the purpose of your life is. I have really struggled to do that.
Until last December. It was a Saturday night and we had just gotten the kids to bed. I opened up Facebook and read the latest update of my friend whose son is battling cancer.
And this is where the video picks up.
This is what can happen when a group of people that sweat together decide to Do Better. Be Better. Making 4 families lives a little brighter. #nlxf #adoptafamily
Posted by Nicki Johnson on Friday, March 27, 2015
First, you changed my life. Then, you helped save my life. Now, you are helping me change other people's lives. Thank you Ryan Downs. |
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